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Enhance Your Fiscal Portfolio and Join DCI's

Best Accountant Affiliate Program

A Proven Path to Elevate Client Value and Boost Your Earnings

Program Overview

The DCI Affiliate Program is an innovative FREE income opportunity for financial professionals. By partnering with DCI, a trusted debt recovery agency, affiliates can earn commissions up to 7.5% on recovered debts. This system operates on a four-tier commission structure, rewarding affiliates not only for their direct referrals but also for the activity of affiliates they recruit.

Affiliates can quickly sign up and begin referring clients, with a streamlined process ensuring ease of business referral and commission tracking. This makes the DCI Affiliate Program a viable option for accountants seeking a passive income stream while enhancing their service offerings to clients.

Recruit Other Affiliates

Earn Limitless Passive Income

Grow Your Client Relationships

How It Works


Check Out Our Client Case Studies

Case Study 1: Individual Accountant

Name: Maria Gonzalez
Profession: Certified Public Accountant
Location: San Antonio, Texas

Maria decided to join the DCI Affiliate Program after learning about it at a regional accounting seminar. Over the course of six months, she referred 10 individual clients who required debt recovery services. On average, DCI collected $50,000 per client.

  • Direct Referral Commission: Maria earns a 5% commission on the total amount collected.
  • Total Commission Earned: 10 clients x $50,000 collected x 5% commission = $25,000

Additionally, Maria referred 5 fellow accountants to the affiliate program, who also referred clients.

  • Tier 2 Commission: For the debts collected through her sub-affiliates, she earns a 1.5% commission.
  • Sub-affiliate Collection Average: 5 sub-affiliates each referred 5 clients, with DCI collecting $40,000 on average per client.
  • Total Commission from Sub-affiliates: 5 sub-affiliates x 5 clients x $40,000 collected x 1.5% commission = $15,000

Total Earnings for Maria: $25,000 (direct) + $15,000 (sub-affiliates) = $40,000

Case Study 2: Accounting Firm

Name: Quantum Accounting Solutions
Type: Mid-sized Accounting Firm
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Quantum Accounting Solutions integrated the DCI Affiliate Program into their service offerings. In a financial year, they referred 25 businesses with outstanding accounts receivables. DCI successfully recovered an average of $200,000 per business.

  • Direct Referral Commission: The firm earns a 5% commission on the total amount collected.
  • Total Commission Earned: 25 businesses x $200,000 collected x 5% commission = $250,000

Quantum also encouraged their network of accounting consultants to join the DCI Affiliate Program, leading to 10 new affiliate sign-ups.

  • Tier 2 Commission: Each consultant referred an average of 10 businesses, with DCI collecting $100,000 on average per business.
  • Total Commission from Sub-affiliates: 10 consultants x 10 businesses x $100,000 collected x 1.5% commission = $150,000

Total Earnings for Quantum Accounting Solutions: $250,000 (direct) + $150,000 (sub-affiliates) = $400,000

Case Study 3: Freelance Accountant

Name: Elijah Smith
Profession: Freelance Accountant
Location: Seattle, Washington

Elijah, operating as a freelance accountant, saw an opportunity to supplement his income through the DCI Affiliate Program. Within the first year, he referred 15 small business clients to DCI, with an average debt recovery of $30,000 per client.

  • Direct Referral Commission: Elijah earns a 5% commission on the total amount collected.
  • Total Commission Earned: 15 clients x $30,000 collected x 5% commission = $22,500

Elijah also referred 3 other freelance accountants to the program, who successfully referred clients as well.

  • Tier 2 Commission: Each freelancer referred 8 clients, with DCI collecting $25,000 on average per client.
  • Total Commission from Sub-affiliates: 3 freelancers x 8 clients x $25,000 collected x 1.5% commission = $9,000

Total Earnings for Elijah: $22,500 (direct) + $9,000 (sub-affiliates) = $31,500

Read To Start Earning Up To 7.5% On All Cash Collected
Make money while you sleep with this unique opportunity!

Maximize Your Earnings Remotely

The Advantage of Partnering with DCI

When you join the DCI Affiliate Program, you’re aligning with a distinguished leader in debt recovery. DCI stands out as an accomplished collection agency, notable for its consistent success in recovering outstanding debts. Our affiliates benefit from this by offering their clients a direct link to our skilled and seasoned team. We pride ourselves on our ethical and effective debt collection methods, ensuring that debts are recovered with professionalism and integrity. This not only aids in resolving your clients’ financial challenges but also bolsters your standing as a reliable and proactive advisor. By choosing DCI, you extend your services, offering comprehensive solutions that reflect positively on your commitment to client success.

What our customers say about our debt collection services.

Sky Rocket Your Earning Potential Today!

The Benefits Of Joining:

The DCI Affiliate Program offers a myriad of benefits including:

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